The Clean Energy Transition - EU Energy policies (English) - Keynote speaker: Tudor Constantinescu, Principle Advisor to the Director General, DG ENERGY(Click here to watch)
清洁能源转型 - 欧盟能源政策 (中文) - 主讲人: 欧盟能源总司总干事的首席顾问 Tudor Constantinescu(点击这里观看)

Development and Challenges for Electricity Market Design in China (English) - Keynote Speaker: Prof XIA Qing, Tsinghua University(Click here to watch)
中国电力市场建设·发展及其面临的问题 (中文)- 主讲人: 清华大学夏清教授(点击这里观看)

Electricity Market Design Initiative - Wholesale Market (Electricity Regulation) (English) - Florian Ermacora, Head of Unit for Wholesale Markets, Electricity and Gas, DG ENERGY (Click here to watch)
电力市场设计方案 - 批发市场 (电力监管) (中文) - 欧盟能源总司 批发市场, 电力和天然气部门主管 Florian Ermacora(点击这里观看)

Electricity Market in a Sea of Change (English)- Prof Jean-Michel Glachant, Director of the Florence School of Regulation(Click here to watch)
在变革大海中的电力市场改革 (中文)- 佛罗伦萨法规学院院长Jean-Michel Glachant教授(点击这里观看)

EU Internal Energy Market: Towards Gas Sector Decarbonisation (English) - Ilaria Conti, Head of Gas, Florence School of Regulation(Click here to watch)
欧盟内部能源市场: 走向燃气行业脱碳 (中文) - 佛罗伦萨法规学院天然气专家 Dr Ilaria Conti(点击这里观看)

Electricity Market Design Initiative - Retail Market (Electricity Directive) (English) - Florian Ermacora, Head of Unit for Wholesale Markets, Electricity and Gas, DG ENERGY(Click here to watch)
电力市场设计方案 -零售市场 (电力指令) (中文) - 欧盟能源总司 批发市场, 电力和天然气部门主管 Florian Ermacora(点击这里观看)